Wednesday, December 26, 2007


FNST hopes this finds all our listeners ready for the new year. The past one has been interesting, to say the least.

Did you notice we were probably the only station not playing holiday music? I thought it'd be a nice alternative.

If you're going to be home New Year's Eve, plan on joining us for some great music, a few birthdays and a story or two. FNST will be the "designated entertainer".

The mailbox is looking kind of empty. It would be nice to hear from you folks.

Our sincerest hopes and wished for a great 2008 for eveyone.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Editorial December 10

Tonight, I would like to address the subject of Iran.

For the past few weeks, this president has been ramping up the war rhetoric toward Iran. Let's not face the issues of how the war in Iraq was going or the problems we continue to face in Afghanistan. Rather, let's start another conflict while our armed forces and monies are already stretched to the limit. This man actually scared the entire world with his prognostication (threat?) of World War III.

This past week, we found out Iran had actually stopped it's weapons program four years ago. The question now becomes; "What did this president know and when did he know it?". If he claims no knowledge of these reports he's either unable to comprehend what he's told (quite probable) or he's , again, lied to the American people.

I'm not a nationalist. I'm an American by birth and while I've never dwelled on it, I have been proud to be a citizen of a country which has tried to help the rest of the world. These past few weeks, this president and his administration have made me feel ashamed and embarrassed for my country.

Mr. Bush, you and your cabal have created this fiasco. You've actually played into the hands of people who refer to The United States as "the great satan".

History will be your judge, but the first word to describe you should be "liar".