Saturday, October 29, 2011

October 31, 2011


There, got that out of my system.

The show is ready, all I have to do is deliver it to the Techie Gnome.

This week there are two "twin spins". One by the Mad Lads and the other by the Ovations.
We have some talented birthday artists, a couple of requested artists/songs, a few "new to the station" tunes and *supply drum roll here* a cut by Paul Craver from his newest CD.

Along with all this there, is some great soul and beach music. I think you'll find it's a real fast two hours. Heres hoping y'all enjoy it.

BTW, this coming week, November 4th to be exact, is FNST Radio's birthday. Back in 2006 RJ and I put the playlist together and took the station "live" for the first time. It was really an experiment. We just wondered if it could be done. Guess it can, huh?

Have a good first week of November, everybody. Start your holiday shopping, early and if you get stuck wondering what to buy for me..............I have a list. LOL

Friday, October 21, 2011

October 24 2011

It's very early Friday, October 21st, the Monday show is done and I can look at it in it's entirety.

It's pretty neat, if I do say so. There's some "west coast" soul with Ty Karim, The Marvelows, The Furys and The Tempos. CORRECTION. Earlier I'd made the mistake of saying the Furys become the Tempos. I'll blame it on the 5:00am hour. In fact, the Tempos later became the Younghearts. Thank youo, DB.

There's a very early Spinners tune, a Billy Butler song that most of you won't be familiar with and a terrific Jackie Wilson cut. All this is just part of the story.

I enjoy bringing the "lesser known" songs to you. There was so much more to "Soul Music" than the top 4-5 acts from Motown and the super hit makers of Stax. Hopefully, you enjoy hearing songs that are "new to you" or maybe tune you'd forgotten all about. It's a challenge to make it all flow and not to inundate you with too much "intellectual lint". The challenge is one I've enjoyed taking on for five years.

Have a great week, enjoy the show and remember "If you like us, tell your friends about us. If you don't like us, keep your mouth shut and let your friends find out for themselves" ROFL

Friday, October 14, 2011

October 17, 2011

Wow, it's the middle of the month already? I feel like I'm on a missle, rocketing through this year.

We've had a busy week in FNST land. Our very own Doctor Lesley Birch PhD. has been visiting the Techie Gnome and with us. It's been a great time and she's seen a lot of the northcoast. She even got a day trip to Canada! Hopefully, she'll come back in an upstate summer. If it falls on a weekend we may even get to go on a picnic.

There are 16 Birthday Artists on this week's show. (playing catch-up after my week off). I have some new to FNST songs by Joe Simon, Al Wilson and Gene Chandler just to drop a few names. Not all of them will wind up in rotation soooooooo if you want to catch some rare soul you're going to have to listen to this week's program. Needless to say, the show is loaded with music and just a little R&B 101.

I hope y'all enjoy the music and btw, a few comments wouldn't hurt. (hint hint)

Until next week, take care of yourselves and each other.

Friday, October 7, 2011

October 10, 2011

Today is a repeat of Soul Ballads Part I. FNST's listeners helped create the show and I'm sure they won't object to enjoying the show one more time.

I've been down south for the past week, relaxing and spending time with family. Sometimes you just need the break. Miss Ginger and I will be back next Monday with a new show full of birthday guests, R&B 101, old school soul and who knows what else.

Have a great week, be good to yourselves and each other.