Sunday, September 30, 2007

It's October?????

Hi all, we have three new shows this week, I'm not sure what RJ has planned for Thursday.

Monday, some new music, bad jokes and our history time lines.

Wednesday, requests, dedications and whatever.

Saturday, a new dance party show. (The other one is getting long in the tooth)

All shows air at 3:00pm, 8:00pm and 11:00pm eastern daylight time. You'll have to figure your air time from there:-)

I'd hope there's some feed back.


Saturday, September 22, 2007

Dear Listeners

I feel like I owe all of you a bit of an explanation for the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday night shows. While I try to get new shows, each week, it isn't always possible. I work a regular job 45-55 hours each week and also run Outerbanks Graphics. Try as I might, sometimes things have to give and lately it's been the radio shows.

As some of you know, I have been working on a series of lighthouse designs. The idea is to get a couple of galleries to carry the artwork as well as my own website and some Ebay offerings. It's taking more time than I thought. A lot like when RJ and I decided to start a radio station. We never envisioned the hours it takes, each and every week.

Thank you for your patience. I promise there are new shows coming, so keep sending the requests and tuning in.


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Who's Listening


We’ve been keeping an informal list of where our listeners are
located. It’s pretty amazing how far we can reach in this world.

Here are a few places FNST Radio is being enjoyed:

Chicago Illinois USA

Cataluna Spain
Memphis Tennessee USA

United Kingdom
Bronx New York USA

Victoria Mexico
Cobb Georgia USA

Hessen Germany
Penfield New York USA

Montreal Quebec Canada
Virginia Beach Virginia USA

London Ontario Canada
Phoenix Arizona USA

Seattle Washington USA

Beiijing China
Pompano Beach Florida USA

Arad Romania
New Hampshire USA

Vermont USA

New Zealand
Parkersburg West Virginia USA

Tokyo Japan
Rupert Idaho USA

Stokely On Kent England

York Pennsylvania USA
Waterford Michigan USA
Athens Greece
Morrilton Arkansa USA
Faribault Minnesota USA
Nacodoches Texas USA
Indianapolis Indianna USA

Saturday, September 1, 2007

The Mission - What We Are And Are Not

We've received some requests for playlists... This is the text of an announcement that is now being played on the station.

We’re a radio station.
It’s that simple. Hopefully, we are tapping into a market who
want to hear the music we enjoy.

We’re not a file server.
FNST does not publish playlists for this very reason.
We want our listeners to enjoy what we play and
keep coming back.

Almost everything you hear on the station is available
through local merchants or internet marketers like Amazon
and FYE, etc.

We urge you to contact them if you want more music by a particular artist.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, drop us a line.
We may be able to help as we spend hours on the net looking for and buying music.
Enjoy the station and remember when you don’t buy your music,
you take money away from the writers and performers who bring you so much pleasure.
PD & Techie