Saturday, September 22, 2007

Dear Listeners

I feel like I owe all of you a bit of an explanation for the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday night shows. While I try to get new shows, each week, it isn't always possible. I work a regular job 45-55 hours each week and also run Outerbanks Graphics. Try as I might, sometimes things have to give and lately it's been the radio shows.

As some of you know, I have been working on a series of lighthouse designs. The idea is to get a couple of galleries to carry the artwork as well as my own website and some Ebay offerings. It's taking more time than I thought. A lot like when RJ and I decided to start a radio station. We never envisioned the hours it takes, each and every week.

Thank you for your patience. I promise there are new shows coming, so keep sending the requests and tuning in.



  1. CT and RJ
    Actually, since I work every other Monday it has been great for me. I got to hear what I missed and on Wed. I got to hear my request again.
    You guys have done a phenomenal job for two guys on a raft...


  2. When did we get a raft?

  3. Obviously you don't listen to the station...*laughing*
