Sunday, May 31, 2009

June 8, 2009

I'm writing this inbetween fighting with a recalcitrant sound card and allergies. I'm not sure which is irritating more, the sound leveling taking three times as long or the havoc caused to my voice.

Today's show has been interesting to assemble. My thanks go out to a whole lot of people all over the world. As I surfed through "youtube" I kept finding songs I'd forgotten. Some of them I already had, stuck way back in the basement, others I had to buy on the net. (this cd collection keeps growing)

There are some neat tunes, this week. Some artists brand new to FNST Radio, others more like old friends. There's some great R&B, some "Beach Music" even Paul McCartney.

Speaking of Sir Paul, do you remember where you were the first time you heard "Yesterday"?

I know I do. Chef's restaurant in Montour Falls, NY. It came on the radio just as we were parking. My first "great love" had ended and that song seemed to say everything.

Have a good week and remember: Life is what happened while you were planning all the good stuff.

Take care of yourselves and each other.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

June 1 2009

This is my favorite week to do shows. It has noting to do with warm weather, thoughts of summertime, the beach, car shows or vacation. It has to do with birthdays. Specifically, three

Curtis Mayfield was one of the most talented men I ever met, let alone heard perform. It seemed his mind never stopped. Being around him was like being near a million watt generator.

He wrote some of my favorite songs, not just for The Impressions but it seemed like 3/4 of the Chicago music industry. More often, than not, I'd hear a song, like it, look at the label and Curtis' name was there.

Levi Stubbs' voice could rock out on up tempo stuff and then leave you breathless on a ballad.
He was, also, one hell of a man. There was never a hint of "star" nonsense and the way he stepped up to care for his brother, Joe Stubbs, after a tragic accident is testament to the man's innate decency.

The third birthday, this week, is Bob Angelucci of The Magnificent Men. Nobody works harder or drives a group better than "Puff". He's the force behind two of the best groups I've ever heard, The Mag Men and Class Act featuring Rita. He also plays drums on most of songs onthe Class of 60 Somethin' CD's. I've known the man for over 45 years and still like him, in spite of the bad puns.

Anyway, there's what this week's show is all about with a few other songs thrown in for good measure. I hope you enjoy it.


Monday, May 25, 2009

May 25, 2009 OOPS!

For some reason the "pooter" did not recognize the 3:00pm show for this afternoon.

Thanks to an email from Ginger, the Techie Gnome was able to correct the system and it will play the show tonight at 8:00pm and 10:00pm Eastern Daylight Time.

This doesn't help the listeners in Europe were it'll be long after midnight, so I have an offer for you. If you really want to hear the show, send me an e-mail with your name and address and I will send you a two (2) CD copy of the program.

Sorry about this, really I am.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

May 25, 2009

Nice looking map, isn't it? Every one of those "pins" is someone who has listened to FNST Radio.

In most cases, multiple times. I think it's great.

Tonight's show is a mix of my personal favorites and some "new" music. You're going to hear: Donny Gerrard, Gladys Knight, Craig Woolard, Legends Of The Beach, The DelChords, Con Funk Shun, Ruby & The Romantics and Edwin Starr, just to name a few.

Two of our listeners are actually together, tonight, in Holland. Sue and Marjo, it's always a pleasure seeing your ISP's on the log. I'm glad you enjoy the music. Marjo, try and keep Sue out of trouble while she's there:-)

I hope everyone in the U.S. had a safe Memorial Day weekend. Now summer begins, for real!

Let's Party!!!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Weds. May 20th

I didn't do a monthly request show for today. It was a combination of too few requests and lack of time to do anopther show. The house is rapidly taking anytime I will allow x 4.

Anyway, third Wednesday in June we'll do another show. Please send in your tunes and I'll try to find them and get them on the air.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

May 18th 2009

This week's Monday show has some interesting information in it.

Do you know who the Marvelows were? How about The Marvellos?

Do you know why Atlantic Records used to be referred to as "The House That Ruth Built"?

Any idea of how Cindy Birdsong replaced Florence Ballard in The Supremes?

Well, if you really want to know these things plus hear some great music, you're just going to have to listen to this week's show.

What? You thought I was going to give away all that info here?

P.S. I know we're getting unintended "douple plays" on some artists. It's my fault. If I don't type the artists exactly the same, everytime, the program doesn't know any better. If you hear it happen, please write to us so I can try and correct the errors.

Friday, May 8, 2009


No, not The of my favorite groups by the way.

Back in early November 2008 I purchased an advertising campaign on Google. Not a lot of money, just featuring a few keywords. Soul Music, The Magnificent Men, Beach Music, Class Act featuring Rita, Free Internet Radio..............

Anyway, in the past 6 months the advertisement for FNST Radio has been seen by more than 37,000 (yes, I said 37,000) people. To me, this truly amazing. From those 37,000 views we've picked up a few listeners (not as many as I'd like but then again there'll never be that many). I've received e-mails from some, others show up repeatedly on my ISP stat counter. To everyone who has joined our little outpost of "finest" music, I thank you. From the Carribean to Finland, from Greece to Australia / New Zealand and of course from Vancouver, British Columbia to Holland and all over the Untied States, the Techie Gnome and I are thrilled you've spent time with us.

I hope we can keep doing this for many more years.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fear and Loathing - Resolved

All programs and processes have been restored and backed up...
Sorry for the repeat of Thursday's show .. but I ran out of time...
All station processes and programs will be back on schedule come Sunday

da TechieGnome

ps.. gotta love outboard usb drives!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fear & Loathing

Well folks, the TechieGnome did it this time... it would appear that FNST has experienced a massive meltdown on our machine that we use for generating the shows and playlists is a vegetable.... need I say it... I neglected to backp all of the data and programs...

I'm rebuilding but this will take a while... the new hardware is on site but there will be no new thursday shows for a while... please be patient...

mea culpa

da Techie Gnome