Saturday, May 23, 2009

May 25, 2009

Nice looking map, isn't it? Every one of those "pins" is someone who has listened to FNST Radio.

In most cases, multiple times. I think it's great.

Tonight's show is a mix of my personal favorites and some "new" music. You're going to hear: Donny Gerrard, Gladys Knight, Craig Woolard, Legends Of The Beach, The DelChords, Con Funk Shun, Ruby & The Romantics and Edwin Starr, just to name a few.

Two of our listeners are actually together, tonight, in Holland. Sue and Marjo, it's always a pleasure seeing your ISP's on the log. I'm glad you enjoy the music. Marjo, try and keep Sue out of trouble while she's there:-)

I hope everyone in the U.S. had a safe Memorial Day weekend. Now summer begins, for real!

Let's Party!!!!!


  1. We're having a really good time, pic in your for the keeping out of trouble...WHY?

  2. *thinkin'*

    I'll get back to you ;-)

  3. Monday, May 25, 3:24 PM and no "Monday Surprise Show"? :-(
