Saturday, September 11, 2010

September 13, 2010

Well, it’s time to start the countdown to another show.
Since it’s almost 6:00am on a Saturday that must mean we’re about 48 hours to show time.

I’ll apologize for the sound of my voice, right up front. Something about cleaning with bleach…….
The music, however, is outstanding!

As I write this it’s September 11th and I’m remembering the attacks of this day. What I keep foremost in my mind is that the attacks on the World Trade Center, Pentagon and the tragedy of Flight 93 were carried out by terrorists. It doesn’t matter what their supposed “faith” was. Plain and simple, they were terrorists.

I’ll not blame all of Islam for the actions of a few anymore than I’ll blame all Catholics for the years of bloodshed in Ireland. Nor will I blame all Evangelicals for the current actions of a few ignorant people who would put United States military personnel in harm’s way by their foolish actions.

We, as a country, need to stop and take a deep breath. Look at the people who are ranting and raving and ask ourselves one question. “Do we really believe these people have our best interests at heart?”

Okay, I’m off my soapbox.

Enjoy the show.

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