Thursday, December 22, 2011

December 26, 2011 Retrospective

It’s that last show of the year. A time to look back.

We’ve had some good news. FNST has grown and new people have joined the Facebook page. It’s not the doldrums it used to be. We also added a bunch more music to the random playlists.

There was, also, the inevitable bad news; The losing of so many performers, songwriters and arrangers. The people who contributed so much to the music we love. This show, as in years past, pays tribute to those who have passed.

This week is Ginger’s first anniversary on FNST Radio and her birthday, too. This is just cool. It’s been a blast having Ginger as my co-host. She manages the birthday artist segments, tries to ride herd on my bad puns and manages to pull off whatever else I throw at her with grace and humor.

Happy Birthday, Ginger !!!!!!!!

As we look forward to 2012 my hope, for all of us, is peace and understanding. May it be a good year for the world.

Thank you for being part of FNST’s family.

Friday, December 16, 2011


T’was the week before Christmas and all ‘round the station the Program Director’s mind just kept racin’.
Each tune was reviewed, picked with some care, hoping to make it onto the air.
A script was written, re-written times ten, to be thrown away with “We’ll wing it, again!”
Miss Ginger had birthday artists under control as the Techie Gnome fought the pooter and said, “Let’s roll!”
With half his programs missing CT didn’t panic, though he was heard to remark, “This ain’t the F******’ Titanic.”
A show was delivered for listeners and friends but we hope it’s a long time ‘fore we do that again!

From RJ, Ginger and yours truly, Merry Christmas Everybody.
May your week and Christmas Day be safe and filled with love and peace.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

December 12, 2011

This past week we said goodbye to Howard Tate, Dobie Gray and J. Blackfoot.
It hit kind of hard, here on the "northcoast". FNST has been playing their music since we first started, with good reason. It's the music we grew up listenting to on car radios, jukeboxes and those late nights when we were supposed to be sleeping but had the radio on. Remember, twisting the dial, trying to pull in those distant stations where they played a whole lot more than Top 40?

Anyway, this week's show has a J. Blackfoot tune and twin spins from Howard  Tate and Dobie Gray. There's also a couple of tunes featuring my favorite Temptation lead, Eddie Kendricks, a little Chicago soul, some Christmas music and a great closing song you'll just have to listen for.

The countdown is on for shopping. As you go about your day, smile, greet people and watch the reactions.
See you next week.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

December 6, 2011 R.I.P. Howard Tate

I'm at a loss. Howard Tate was one of the most soulful voices, ever.
God bless you, Howard. Thank you for the music.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 5, 2011

Oh my goodness, this is some work! Happy first Monday of December everybody.

This weeks' show is mostly about rare and unreleased songs and the majority of them are from Motown vaults. But, there's also a lot of R&B101 to go along with it. No, it's not dry facts and figures it's a little real life stuff.

Ginger and I are joined by "the Professor", Dave Bupp, for an inside look at some of the talented singers and groups of the 60's and 70's. We're talking actual stories from the man who shared stages and dressing rooms with some of the best R&B acts. It's a show Dave and I have discussed doing for quite some time and I hope you enjoy it.

Dave and I talk frequently, exchange emails even more, and you're actually going to hear what conversations are like when it's about the music we love.

There's music by The Contours, The Four Tops, Little Stevie Wonder and a whole lot more.
If you love soul music you'll be diggin' on this show!

Now, I have to get back to work editing the conversation a bit. There's over an hour of phone call with some non music stuff y'all don't need to hear LOL.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

November 28, 2011

Hey, we made it through Thanksgiving and "Black Friday". Staying away from the stores, malls etc. certainly helped. Watching the news makes you wonder what the hell has happened to manners and civility in this country. Anyway, on with the show.

This week there's come cool music, as always and Lou Rawls is one of the birthday artists. That's never a bad thing. We also hear from J.J. Barnes, Cassandra Wilson, Walter Jackson, The Four Tops and Jackie Wilson. I hope you enjoy the music because I sure enjoyed putting the thing together.

Now, it's on with the holiday season and shopping............*groan*

Saturday, November 19, 2011

November 21, 2011

Welcome to Thanksgiving week if you're in the United States. A time to be grateful for what we have and the real beginning of the "commercial" Holiday Season. Christmas music is everywhere, well, except for FNST Radio. We're resisting for a few more days and then it'll be very limited.

This week has some jazz, a few standards and some good Soul Music (of course). There's also a bad joke I mananged to sneak by Ginger & the Techie Gnome :-D There's a little R&B 101 and good birthday artists as well.

Have a safe and fun week. Treasure your time with family and friends.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

November 14, 2011

Wow, middle of the month! How the heck did this happen?

About the show? Hang on, I have to look. How 'bout some Temptations, Miracles, Marvin (if I have to type his last name for you; you're in the wrong place), some good Beach Music and a couple of surprises? Other than that, you're going to have to listen.

I wish I had something witty or profound to offer but it's been one of those weeks. Enjoy the music and let it take your mind off the worlds' problems for a little while.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November 9, 2011

I have something I'd like to share with everybody. This is an email we received, this past Monday. Ginger hasn't seen it but I did share it with RJ.

I'm one of those ingrates who tunes in occasionally, gets a big kick out of what they hear, then doesn't bother to say thanks. So ... thank you very much, and congratulations on deftly mixing music of different genres and different decades and different degrees of prominence. Jerry Butler's "Sail On" hardly is prominent anymore, but you played it a half hour or so ago and it fit just perfectly. Ditto the relatively new tunes you played by Sharon Jones and Amy Winehouse. And I'll bet that any minute now you'll drop in something by the Del Chords, the Intentions or the Emperors. Keep the good stuff coming!

Now I have to tell y'all, this type note makes everything we do, all the hours picking songs, levelling the volumes and as Ginger will testify all the time it takes to put a show together, worthwhile.

In this, FNST's birthday month, we really are "damn proud" of what we've managed to build over the past five years.

Thank you again for being part of the FNST family.

Friday, November 4, 2011

November 7, 2011


How about this? We made it 5 years!

This weeks' show is a bit of self indulgence, on my part. There are the weekly birthday artists and some requests from our listeners but for the most part it's tunes that I wanted to hear. A trip through FNST's brief life, if you will.

As RJ and I kick off this month long party there are people we need to thank for helping with this project.

First of all, the artists who gave us so much music. Without the songs, there would be no FNST Radio.

Second, on my list, are FNST's listeners. Y'all have joined in, sent notes, suggested songs and most of all spread the word about us. Without you, we probably would have folded the tent a long time ago,

There's also a special thank you for "the Professor", Dave Bupp and FNST's promotional director/ co-host of the weekly show, Miss Ginger. I can't begin to tell you how much they have helped with the music. They both have provided information about groups and singers as well as turning me loose in their record collections. (they took a whole lot better care of the vinyl than I ever did)

David is like having a living encyclopedia of soul music to use a reference. His knowledge of the songs and who performed them is awesome. Ginger's Detroit roots and insights are also invaluable. The music scene in the motor city may have changed the world but it really was kind of a small town.

Finally, my thanks to all the singers and musicians who have "friended" me on facebook. You've helped shaped the sound of FNST Radio. Especially Butch Halpin for his help on the Beach Music scene and Ruby Andrews for sharing her memories of the "other Detroit" and Chicago artists.

There. I know I've forgotten people but I have a whole month to correct that.

Enjoy the music.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

October 31, 2011


There, got that out of my system.

The show is ready, all I have to do is deliver it to the Techie Gnome.

This week there are two "twin spins". One by the Mad Lads and the other by the Ovations.
We have some talented birthday artists, a couple of requested artists/songs, a few "new to the station" tunes and *supply drum roll here* a cut by Paul Craver from his newest CD.

Along with all this there, is some great soul and beach music. I think you'll find it's a real fast two hours. Heres hoping y'all enjoy it.

BTW, this coming week, November 4th to be exact, is FNST Radio's birthday. Back in 2006 RJ and I put the playlist together and took the station "live" for the first time. It was really an experiment. We just wondered if it could be done. Guess it can, huh?

Have a good first week of November, everybody. Start your holiday shopping, early and if you get stuck wondering what to buy for me..............I have a list. LOL

Friday, October 21, 2011

October 24 2011

It's very early Friday, October 21st, the Monday show is done and I can look at it in it's entirety.

It's pretty neat, if I do say so. There's some "west coast" soul with Ty Karim, The Marvelows, The Furys and The Tempos. CORRECTION. Earlier I'd made the mistake of saying the Furys become the Tempos. I'll blame it on the 5:00am hour. In fact, the Tempos later became the Younghearts. Thank youo, DB.

There's a very early Spinners tune, a Billy Butler song that most of you won't be familiar with and a terrific Jackie Wilson cut. All this is just part of the story.

I enjoy bringing the "lesser known" songs to you. There was so much more to "Soul Music" than the top 4-5 acts from Motown and the super hit makers of Stax. Hopefully, you enjoy hearing songs that are "new to you" or maybe tune you'd forgotten all about. It's a challenge to make it all flow and not to inundate you with too much "intellectual lint". The challenge is one I've enjoyed taking on for five years.

Have a great week, enjoy the show and remember "If you like us, tell your friends about us. If you don't like us, keep your mouth shut and let your friends find out for themselves" ROFL

Friday, October 14, 2011

October 17, 2011

Wow, it's the middle of the month already? I feel like I'm on a missle, rocketing through this year.

We've had a busy week in FNST land. Our very own Doctor Lesley Birch PhD. has been visiting the Techie Gnome and with us. It's been a great time and she's seen a lot of the northcoast. She even got a day trip to Canada! Hopefully, she'll come back in an upstate summer. If it falls on a weekend we may even get to go on a picnic.

There are 16 Birthday Artists on this week's show. (playing catch-up after my week off). I have some new to FNST songs by Joe Simon, Al Wilson and Gene Chandler just to drop a few names. Not all of them will wind up in rotation soooooooo if you want to catch some rare soul you're going to have to listen to this week's program. Needless to say, the show is loaded with music and just a little R&B 101.

I hope y'all enjoy the music and btw, a few comments wouldn't hurt. (hint hint)

Until next week, take care of yourselves and each other.

Friday, October 7, 2011

October 10, 2011

Today is a repeat of Soul Ballads Part I. FNST's listeners helped create the show and I'm sure they won't object to enjoying the show one more time.

I've been down south for the past week, relaxing and spending time with family. Sometimes you just need the break. Miss Ginger and I will be back next Monday with a new show full of birthday guests, R&B 101, old school soul and who knows what else.

Have a great week, be good to yourselves and each other.

Friday, September 30, 2011

October 3, 2011


March 6, 1936 - September 29, 2011

It seems I'd always known who she was. From 1956's "Love Is Strange" through her record producing of The Moments and Donnie Elbert to "Pillow Talk" and her pioneering work in Hip Hop, Sylvia always seemed to be somewhere about in the music business. Ms. Robinson was a contributor to the "biz". Thank you for the music and memories.

This weeks' show is primarily about Beach Music and the Carolina Beach Music Awards nominees. It's a little different than what we normally play but this is our second year really featuring our southern friends. I hope y'all enjoy it.

Now, there's also some great soul music on the show. Otis Leavill, The Marvellos, Fred Hughes, Howard Tate and Walter Jackson just to name-drop a few. So it's a little somethin' for everybody. I hope you enjoy it.

Next week is a repeat of the Soul Ballad Part I show. I need a vacation and some sunshine, sand and scotch. We'll be back on the 17th of October with a new show and a whole lot of "new" aged in soul music.

Have a great two weeks, everybody. Thank you for making FNST part of your lives.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday September 27


I don't know who's listening in Texas but they've been at it for almost 24 hours straight!
That's pretty darn cool.

BTW, you still haven't heard the entire playlist. rofl

Thank you for enjoying FNST Radio

Sunday, September 25, 2011

September 26, 2011

Can you believe it's the last Monday in September? It just doesn't seem possible.
This week's show is.......well, I don't really know. I guess you'll have to listen and form your own opinion.

I will tell you there some great music by Walter Jackson, The Marvellos, Lee Charles, The Artistics and a few more. I like the Beach Music segment and the birthday artists are a great mix. Other than this, I'm not sure.

Next week's show is being put together featuring the 2011 Cammy Award nominees so that's kinda where my head is. (of course walking around full of pain meds doesn't mean I make a lot of sense. the neck and shoulder are getting better)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY October 2nd to Ike Bowers!

Friday, September 16, 2011

September 19, 2011

I think this show will work. There's a lot of music, some rare new tunes and a few favorites.

How about The Epsilons, Vontastics, Bobby Bland, Tryone Davis, Johnny Williams and Lee Charles just to name a few?

Anyway, it's 3:45am on Friday September 16th and I need to get to work on stuff for the "art" show we're doing this Sunday at the Public Market.

Have a great week, everybody!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

September 12 2011

Wow, this show has a little bit of everything. There are "new" songs (some of which will make the playlist), some terrific birthday artists and in the last 14 minutes of the show a little R&B 101.

There's some jazz, a blues tune and, as always, bunches of great soul music. I have two singers to introduce to you. Lee Charles and Johnny Williams . I have to admit I didn't know a lot about either of them. I still don't but the links for what I did find are at the bottom of the page.

There's a double spin of early Temptations featuring Eddie and Paul on leads. I've never made a secret that my two favorite albums by the Tempts are "Meet The Temptations" and "The Temptations Sing Smokey". I much prefer them to the cuts after Berry Gordy found the "formula".

Ginger is back with the mic problems solved for the most part. It's nice to hear her and it gives y'all a break from Froggy the Gremlin.

There are a few requested artists but the part of the show I really want to talk about is the last 14 minutes. In order for singers and musicians to know where they're going, they have to know where they're coming from. I'm going to take you back to before do-wop, before rock-n-roll and especially, long before pitch correcting software and synthesized instruments. It's a post graduate course on group singing and vocal harmonies. I hope you enjoy what my dad called "real talent".

Have a great day and come back next week because Ginger and I are gonna do it all again.

Lee Charles:

Johnny Williams:

Saturday, September 3, 2011

September 5 2011


I hope you had a good long weekend for the waning days of summer. Tomorrow is back to work, school, etc. As you go about your travels watch out for the children as well as the school buses.

This week features a few requested artists. Our favorite PhD. has a birthday coming up this week so she "suggested" a few tunes to me. It's all good, though. No ABBA, Bay City Rollers, etc. LOL
There is also a little departure from the norm. I get to play Ella and Arthur Prysock songs and believe me, that is something I enjoy a whole lot.

Oh, there's also an old O.C. Smth tune, Derek Martin's best song and a Jackie Wilson "B" side from 1968 at the end of the show. Just a little something for everybody.

Have a great week and remember there are replays on Wednesday's and Saturdays.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

August 29, 2011

Last week was not a good one in music. We lost two of the best songwriters of the Rock era. Jerry Leiber's lyrics and Mike Stoller's melodies gave Rock~N~Roll some of it's greatest memories. From Hound Dog and the unique songs of The Coasters through The Drifters and Ben E Kings' classic Stand By Me they helped create the music that became part of the very fabric of our lives.

Jerry Leiber

Nick Ashford, along with his wife and co-writer Valerie Simpson, gave us so many great Soul Music songs. It seemed they could "Reach Out And Touch" the things we were feeling. The things we wished we could say.

Nick Ashford

We'll devote about a quarter of this weeks show to the music these two men gave us.
It just seems right.

Thank you, gentlemen. You truly touched the lives of millions of people.

And I didn't forget, I just didn't know.

Happy Birthday, Paul Craver - August 30th
Happy Birthday, Dino Fair of Sea Cruz - September 2

Friday, August 19, 2011

August 22, 2011 Soul Ballads II

Thank you for the nice remarks on FB and the emails regarding Soul Ballads Part I. I put it all together but FNST's listeners deserve the real kudos and credit for selecting the songs. To those who decided to go "on air" a special "thank you". It made the show that much better.

This week is Part II of Soul Ballads. It features some lesser known songs and that's what FNST is really all about. We never had a desire to be a "Top 40 Soul Oldies" station. We've always strived to play the good schtuff and not limit ourselves. I hope this show does justice to that idea and y'all enjoy the music. By the way, there's also a birthday artists segment and the once a month Elvis song. (I do try to make everybody happy)

Next week it's back to normal shows and a bunch of "new" music. Oh, and a lot of birthday artists.

Have a great week, take care of yourselves and each other.

Friday, August 12, 2011

August 15, 2011


This week's show is about a slow groove and the house parties of yesteryear.

We're turning back the clock and playing the songs that would be on the record player as the night came to an end. FNST's facebook friends helped put this show together. They suggested tunes and I tried to make the whole thing flow. Hopefully, I did justice to their requests and a few of my selections as well.

Next week is Part II. There are so many great ballads and two hours wasn't enough time to get them all in. We'll hear artists our listeners suggested as well as songs that, maybe, should have been hits and just didn't make it, for whatever reason.

Enjoy the program and have a great week!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

August 8 2011

There's not a lot to say about this show. We have our birthday artists, a Joss Stone cut from her brand new album, there's a double shot of Jackie Wilson and a song by The Firestones.

Say what? You've never heard of The Firestones? Well, that's not real surprising. How about The Falcons? The Falcons recorded two sides as The Firestones way back in 1969. I'm playing one of the cuts on the show and I'll add the second one after the two "Soul Ballad" shows. They're pretty good songs and deserved more air play than they got "back in the day".

We have an Etta James song, something other than "At Last" or "Tell Mama", 100 Proof Aged In Soul, Joe Tex, The Tempts and I don't know what all........I'm old, the mind doesn't retain everything LOL.

Have a great week and remember, take care of yourselves and each other.

Friday, July 29, 2011

August 1, 2011

Wait! We're here, already?

Welcome to August. Kind of surreal that it's here so soon. I don't object to summertime, I object to what's coming in just three short months. It's back to layers of clothes, gray skies and that "s" word all too soon. (depressing aren't I?)

Anyway, the show. There are a couple of new to the playlist songs from William Bell and Lenny Williams, a cut from Amy Winehouse (such a tragedy) and some great listener requests.
Bill asked for one TOP song that we don't play very often. Rose (edited because I had Ri on the brain), in Michigan, mentioned she'd like to hear more Temptations so I dug out the Tempt's medley I put together about 5 years ago. There's 'retha for Chi-Chi and Doc, Jackie Wilson and Billy Scott for Miss Ginger and Jerry Butler for me. Hopefully, you'll find something you really like in the program, too.

Oh, there is one other cut I don't play very often. It means a great deal to me and I hope everybody enjoys it. You have to listen to find out which song it is.

Until next time, take care of yourselves and each other.

P.S. It was a fast run to the 'burg this past weekend. One of the best parts was seeing Bill Richter of The Magnificent Men, Saturday night. He looked great and it was nice spending a couple of minutes chatting. So, I caught up with Dave, Tom, Jim. Bob and Bill.......5 out of 7 ain't too bad!
AND a special thank you to Grace for joining Lucy and me for the show at the vineyard, it was great to have an old friend with us. For those who missed this show, picture an open field, with the stage set up on the downside of the hill. While the sun set behind Class Act, we watch about 10 deer come out on the opposite side of the "valley". They stood there like they were listening to the band for the longest time before they began feeding. Talk about a "Kodak" moment!

Friday, July 22, 2011

July 25, 2011

As I write this most of the midwest and east coast of the U.S. is sweltering. "We're Having A Heat Wave" ain't just a song from the 1950's. Please, whatever you're doing, be sure to drink lots of fluids (water preferably) and pay attention to what your body may tell you. If you have elderly neighbors, check on them. You know the drill.

I've been keeping up with the Carolina bands and they're playing outside. In 90+ degree heat and humidity. I'm amazed at the ability to keep on performing in weather like this.

There are a couple of new tunes on the show. Some may get in the playlist. A few others are just things you'll hear once in a while on a Monday. If you hear a song you like, drop us a note. We may include it in the regular playlists.

The Soul Ballad Show (Part I & Part II) is coming together. There's still time to get your request for a favorite slow tune included.

On a sad note we lost a terrific songwriter and producer. Jerry Ragovoy passed last week. If you're not familiar with his name you will recognize his work. I dedicated the last 20 minutes of the show to his songs.

That's it, for now. Enjoy the music and don't be a stranger.

Friday, July 15, 2011

July 18, 2011

First of all there are two birthdays that slipped past me for the shows.
July 14th was Rhonda McDaniel's birthday and I'm not even sure we played one of her songs.
Rhonda is the 2010 Carolina Beach Music Association Female Vocalist Of The Year they sure picked that one right. The lady has a terrific voice.
The other birthday is this coming week. On Thursday, July 21st, it's Brian Humble's birthday.
The show was already finished when I realized this so no "Don't Forget That I Love You" from The Intentions (Brian's group).

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Rhonda and Brian!!!!

This weeks' show is special. You'll have to listen to find out why but it's really different.
I hope you enjoy it.

It's on to next week for me..............
Take care of yourselves and each other.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

July 11, 2011

When this week is passed we'll be beyond the middle of the 7th month. How the heck did this happen? It seems somebody kicked in the afterburner on Father Time's jet.

This week's show is just neat. There's some great music, as always, birthday guests and a look back at rock~n~roll history for the week. Ginger and I had fun putting that segment together, I hope y'all enjoy it.

I posted a question to FNST's facebook wall asking for favorite soul ballads. The response has been amazing. I'm talkin' lots of tunes, here. Enough so that we're going to do a two part program for it. There will be all the great tunes you know and some that should have been "monsters" but someway got lost.

Here's the deal: I'd like to have the people who wrote in, record the introductions or exits to the songs. We can do this by phone and it should be a lot of fun. If you're interesed, drop me an email and we'll get working on it. Tenative dates for the show are August 15th and 22nd so we have time. I'm excited about this, hope you are too.

Have a great week and remember: Take care of yourselves and each other.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

July 4, 2011

Of course I'm writing this on June 30 but here's the deal: The show is almost finished, it looks like we're going to have a good weather weekend (yardwork!) and I need to write these things when I remember them.

There's a mixed bag of music this week. Some really old stuff just because I wanted to hear it. There are also a couple of tunes celebrating "the grand experiment"s 235th birthday. I hope you enjoy the music wherever you are.

A special shoutout to Ike Bowers and Wayne Kindness. They did some serious FNST listening this week. Thank you to Madisun Leigh and Linwood Bowser for dropping by, too.

Now, onto next week's show.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

June 27, 2011

The last Monday in June! (observant ain't I?).

Are you ready for the July 4th Holiday weekend? I hope you have great weather, wherever you are.

The show is kind of a lead up to the weekend. We're going to the Beach, twice. We'll spend some time in 1965 and celebrate some birthdays. There's a surprise in the show for Ginger (no, it's not Troy Donahue singing) and some other schtuff.

For those of you who love music history, there's a new book out. Legendary producer Carl Davis has published his story about Okeh, Brunswick, etc. I'm looking forward to reading it.

Enjoy the show, it was fun putting it together.

Friday, June 17, 2011

June 20, 2011

UPDATE: Saturday, June 18th Clarence Clemons passed away. Renowned not just for his work with the E Street band, Mr. Clemons was a much in demand sax player for others as well.
Thanks for all the music CC.


With the passing of Carl Gardner (The Coasters) and Don Mancha, a terrific songwriter and producer, the soul music world is a little dimmer. Our sympathies and condolences go out the families and friend.

This week I got a little heavy on the birthday guests, again. Eddie Floyd, Lionel Richguy, O.C. Smith and Verne Allison (along with the rest of the Dells) make multiple appearances. I like their music, nuff said.

There's my yearly tribute to "Military Intelligence", you'll just have to listen or Google historical events for June 25th. I know there's a "new to us" O'Jays tune and another by The Intruders, not sure about the rest. It's just aged in soul.

Anyway, have a great week. If you miss the show on Monday remember it replays on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Take care of yourselves...........and each other.

Friday, June 10, 2011

June 13, 2011

Well, it's the middle of June (almost).

This week features two heavy-duty birthday guests and some new songs for the playlist. It's Eddie Levert's and Lamont Dozier's birthday week so I'm kinda heavy on the O'Jays and Holland-Dozier-Holland songs. Not the ones you'll hear on Top 40 Oldies stations, though.

I also have an Ole Borud song: Little bit of funk from Norway. This guy sounds like a young Stevie Wonder and plays the hell out of his guitar. There's a reconstituted Stylistics cut, the Knight Brothers last record for Checker and a Diplomats we haven't played before. We even have Shagtime Band for everybody who likes Beach Music.

I hope you get the chance to catch the show on Monday or the replays on Wednesday and Saturdays.

On a personal note (because it doesn't happen often); the Red Sox are in first place in the American League East!!! To all my friends who are Phillies fans, yeah, yeah, I know they have the best record in baseball.

Have a great week!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

June 6, 2011

So here we are, six months into the year. Wow!

Let me drop some names on you. Billy Butler, Gene Chandler, The Carltons,
Wilson Pickett, The Magnificent Men and The Lost Generation. Yup, they're all on this weeks show. Oh, and Jackie Wilson and Levi Stubbs. It's their birthday week, afterall.

There's a trip to the beach, a little R&B101 and even a six degrees of separation thang. There are a couple of new songs for the playlist, a few "no rotation" songs and some old favorites. All in all, I think you'll enjoy it.

Today, June 6th, is also my favorite drummer's birthday. Bob Angelucci of The Magnificent Men, Class Act featuring Rita and Class of 60 Somethin' celebrates, well never mind how many years. He's still playin' and drivin' a band like nobody else can.


Monday, May 30, 2011

May 30, 2011

Oops, I forgot about this. I'm thinking today is Sunday.

If you like Curtis Mayfield and The Impressions you'll love this show. Curtis is one of my all time favorite songwriters and The Impressions rate as one of my three favorite vocal groups. Since his birthday is June 3rd I had the excuse to play a lot of his music.

Important news this week: Tomorrow, May 31st, Lesley gets to walk up on stage and receive her PhD. It's been a long time comin'(to borrow from Sam Cooke)but she finally made it! Congratulations, Doctor Birch!

If you're reading this on Memorial Day please take the time to remember why we have this day. Remember all those who have paid the ultimate price for the freedoms we enjoy.

Next week's show is coming along. Since it's Levi Stubbs' and Jackie Wilson's birthday week, you can figure out part of the music.

Take care of yourselves and each other.

Friday, May 20, 2011

May 23, 2011

It's not supposed to be a "short" work week but we all know the "cycle down" switch gets turned on Thursday night. There's a long weekend coming and here's hoping it's good weather.

Memorial Day traditionally marks the beginning of summer for the U.S. and since we haven't exactly enjoyed great weekend weather, so far, let's hope things improve a bunch.

This week's show has great birthday artists. Gladys Knight, Patti Labelle, General Johnson, Gladys Knight, Ramsey Lewis (did I mention Gladys Knight?)and a few others.
We'll, also, look at some famous "B" sides of records. I think you just might be surprised by some of them.

There are other great songs as well. It's going to be a fast two hours, but if you miss the shows on Monday, you'll be able to catch them on Wednesday or Saturday.

Have a good week and a safe holiday weekend.


Saturday, May 14, 2011

May 16, 2011

Happy middle of May! It's finally warm and the trees are in full leaf. Tulips have opened and everything is so lush.
It's a special show, this week. There's a lot of music, a nice interview with Paul Craver, a couple of surprises and some great birthday guests. One in particular:


(today, May 16th, really is his birthday)

As the guitar player for Class Act featuring Rita as well as The Class of 60 Somethin' y'all have been listening to Dan on FNST Radio since the beginning. Beyond being a good player, Dan is also one of the nicest people you will ever meet; a true gentleman. It's been my pleasure to know him and call him "friend" for more than a quarter of century.

Enjoy the show and hear a lot of Dan and other central Pennsylvania musicians. If you wish to leave birthday wishes, please do so. We'll make sure he gets them.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cornell Dupree 1942 - 2011

This past Sunday the music world lost another great talent. For those of you who may not know the man you surely knew the music. One of the best session men around, Mr. Dupree recorded with Donny Hathaway, King Curtis, Lena Horne and Miles Davis among others.

It's his tasteful guitar you hear on Brook Benton's "Rainy Night In Georgia" as well as the intro to Aretha's "Respect". For the jazz lovers, how about the Steve Gadd group Stuff?

Cornell Dupree died while waiting for a lung transplant.

Thank you for the music, Mr. Dupree.

Friday, May 6, 2011

MAY 9, 2011

It's time for a little R&B 101 and a bunch of thank you's.
Way Back in the mid 50's a group of 16 & 17 year olds in York, Pennsylvania formed a singing group. Roberta Haymon, Carolyn "Cissy" Holmes, Jeannie Crist, Phyliss. Carr, and Kenny Sexton began singing at local dances as the "Quinteros". After getting a manager and a name change "The Quin-Tones" went into the recording studio. The first session didn't sell a lot of records but it did get them noticed.

The second session produced an R&B hit. With the unique Wedding March intro "Down The Aisle Of Love" sold thousands of copies and landed the group on American Bandstand as well as the pinnacle of the Chitlin Circuit. The Apollo!

It should be noted that even though "The Quin-tones" wrote "Down The Aisle Of Love" they never received a cent in royalties. This from a record that eventually sold almost one million copies. Like so many R&B artists, they got the proverbial shaft.

Anyway, the real purpose of this blog is announce some great news. Thanks to the effort of a great many people, including Dave Bupp of The Magnificent Men, The Quin-Tones are getting some home town recognition.
The group is being inducted into the William Penn Hall Of Fame.

For those of us who were lucky enough to grow up in Central Pennsylvania and hear the group it's an honor long over due.

Thanks to everyone who wrote letters, made phone calls, etc.

Friday, April 29, 2011

MAY 2, 2011

*doin' old fat guy happy dance* What? This isn't a visual you needed to take you through the week? (here's a secret: it's not high on my list, either) Anyway, Happy May! Spring has finally arrived on the "frozen tundra". I actually cut the grass, the Tulips are beginning to bloom and the Lilac trees have buds.

This week's show has some good birthday artists. In fact, the entire month is loaded with talent. There are some interesting ear worms from Miss Ginger; just a couple of things she picked up on terrestial radio as she made the long drive home from York. We have horns, 'retha, beach music and some choice cuts of soul. Musically it's a great two hours, if I do say so myself.

Have a great week and remember to catch the repeats on Wednesday's and Saturdays.

One more thing: Do us a favor, especially you regular listeners. Last weekend RJ heard a song that was way above the normal volume for the station. Only problem is, he doesn't remember which song it was. With over 2,300 tunes on the playlist neither one of us wants to do a full sound check for each song, soooooooooo if you hear something that's way louder than it should be, please drop us a note. Thank you.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

April 25, 2011

The last week of April and it's finally getting warmer up nawth.
It can't happen soon enough for my tastes.

This week's show has Wilson Pickett, Tower of Power, The Coupe De Villes, Dee Dee Sharp
and two tunes by Jere Hetrick. There's lots more but that was off the top of my head. Oh, there's also Ella Fitzgerald and Duke Ellington. (not sure my dad would forgive me if I left them out)

Y'all can breathe a sigh of relief; there are no jokes. But, there are a few tunes with The Funk Brothers playin' their.........well, you know.

Anyway, enjoy the show and have a great week.


Friday, April 15, 2011

April 18, 2011

I guess it's "world tour" time. This week we're visiting the Islands, Holland, Great Britain and Australia as well as central Pennsylvania, the Carolina's, and a few other places. It should be fun and far more danceable than the travel movies they used to show in grade school. (anybody but me remember those?) There are some talented people on the "Birthday Artist" list and we have a few requests. Since it's also the middle of the month, or close enough, Barb, Ginger and Crys get to hear Elvis. Enjoy the show and have a great week.

Monday, April 11, 2011

April 11, 2011

Man what a busy and great weekend. Class Act and Class of 60 Somethin' put on a great show! I had the chance to catch up with lots of people. I danced and my knees are tellin' me that isn't the best plan! It was great to see Chuck Ronemus, Grace, Mike Leash, everybody from Class of 60 and even found time for a brief visit with Dave and Wanda Bupp. The next "Party" is October 29th and if y'all can find the time to fit it in, I strongly recommend you find your way to York, Pennsylvania. I'm tellin' you, the dance floor was packed all night! The place was in a groove. I wish I'd had the pooter set up to record the thing. Anyway, have a great week. I'm off to find more pain pills. My knees ain't used to this.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

April 4, 2011

How about some birthday wishes? April 3rd (yesterday) Rita Angelucci of Class Act. April 5th (tomorrow) Dave Bupp. I'm playing a bit of Dave on the show (Rita, too) as always. They've been my friends for more years than any of us want to think about and, Lord knows, they're two of the most talented people I've ever heard. The rest of the show is pretty darn good. I think the two hours flies by. Of course I'm a bit prejudiced. BTW, the mail box is looking kind of empty. Send us your thoughts and if you know someone having trouble getting FNST to play, please tell us. We can probably talk them through the problem. Most times it's a configuration problem, one little check mark can make everything all better.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Monday March 28, 2011

Welcome to the last Monday of March and that last Monday of winter. Hey, I can hope :-)

This week has some great music including a couple of one-hit wonders. There are also two of my favorite birthday artists. Marvin Gaye (April 2) and Rita Angelucci (April 3). We have both singing throughout the show.

S.O.S. is coming up so we have beach music and there's also the Class of 60 Somethin' Party
in York, Pennsylvania on April 9th.
I wish I could go to S.O.S. but I'll have to content myself with York.

Oh, yeah.......there's also a great joke in the show, just sayin'.

Anyway, have a safe week and remember if you miss the show it's repeated on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

If you can help contribute to the relief effort for Japan, please do so. Those people are in a world of hurt. Thank you.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Review from 2003 by Ginger

Just something I thought I'd share. Their name tells it all. I saw the Magnificent Men perform only once on a local TV show in Detroit in the late 60's. They sang "Maybe, Maybe Baby" and sent me to an overwhelming state of enchantment. They were amazing. Who were these white guys, sounding "like that"? They touched something profoundly deep within me. I immediately bought the 45, which I played incessantly, but sadly never heard any more about them. With fond memories, I often wondered what happened to the Magnificent Men, those fellows who had captured my heart. Surely, they were much too grand just to go off into obscurity. Now some 40 years later, I found this album and that first level of listening pleasure went to an even higher ecstasy. Indeed a stellar performance, just like I remember "back in the day" when I first fell in love from that one song. The absolute best blue-eyed soul ever. A combination of the Dells, Miracles, O'Jays, Temptations and The Impressions only begins to make up the Magnificent Men. Yet, they have their own unique sound and style. Listen to the beautiful voices of Dave Bupp and Buddy King as they range from a smooth and gentle low to a serene, yet uncommon, high with the group in perfect pitch harmony. Am I listening to Angels sing? Quite possibly. Without question their sound is Heavenly. The Magnificent Men are proof that no one can sing with intense passion and sound that good unless the music came from the heart and soul. They are not only vocally gifted but also master musicians. Honest and sincere to the genre, these talented gentlemen are truly the unsung heroes of pure R&B Soul Music. With better management and promotion there is no doubt these hidden treasures could have, and certainly should have, been world known with the sky as the limit. I might also add that excluding them (for whatever reason) from the PBS DooWop Series leaves those concerts, although great, incomplete. The fact that the Magnificent Men never received the fame and fortune they so rightfully deserved, has left the entire music industry sorely cheated of their phenomenal talent. Rich soulful harmony throughout this album makes it an absolute must; every song is a winner. Five stars are just not enough to rate this timeless classic. It is guaranteed to please. Today I am still in love. The Magnificent Men will forever be very precious and dear to my heart. .......God asked, "why are you rejoicing, My Child?" And I replied, "because I have found the Magnificent Men". 2003

Saturday, March 19, 2011

March 21, 2011

How about a bunch of one hit wonders? Sonny Munro? We have both this week.
Sonny was the lead singer for The Fabulous Playboys/Falcons. I don't have a lot of
biographical facts but he had a terrific voice.

There's also a great cover by Paul Craver. He nails "Snap Your Fingers" and lots of
other music.

It's a fast two hours and I hope yall enjoy it.

Friday, March 11, 2011

March 14, 2011

It's daylight savings time and that means the 4:00am show will be moving to 6:00am.
It's to accommodate our friends in Oz. When they come off their daylight savings time, in a couple of weeks, the show will be right back to 8:00pm on Mondays in Melbourne and Sydney.

Enjoy the show Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Enjoy the best soul and beach music the rest of the time. I'm always glad to see y'all listening.

This week I'm featuring Walter Jackson. I hope you like it.


TOM PANE of The Magnificent Men & Class Act featuring Rita
CHUCK RONEMUS of Pocketful O' Soul

Friday, March 4, 2011

March 7, 2011

Another week closer to warm weather!

We have an interesting show for you. A few instrumentals, some new music and even a joke. (I snuck it in).

March 14: lots of music by one very special singer and more new tunes.
March 21: FNST will look at some of the One Hit Wonders that crossed over from R&B.

Enjoy the show.


Friday, February 25, 2011

February 28, 2011

It's actually Feb. 25th as I write this.
It's snowing again, yet, still and I'm less than thrilled but we're in the home stretch.
There's a whole bunch of music this week. Stuff that'll get you up out of your chair. It's designed to have you begin thinking about Class of 60 Somethin's party, April 9th and all the great musicians who will be in North Myrtle Beach for, there's a road trip.
Enjoy the show.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

February 21, 2011

Some changes this week. A new mic that's very touchy. (hang in there with me, I'll get it figured out) A different mixdown for my voice. (not at all sure about this idea but.......) The mic I've been using is 25 years old and seems to be decaying a bit so I thought I'd try something new. The mixdown is just to try and save a bit of time on production. I don't have to do as much background noise reduction. It may or may not be long term.

There are only a few birthdays but we have some "new" music, some R&B number one songs and a little trivia. There's also a Beach Music segment for the listeners in the Carolinas and elsewhere.

This past Thursday and Friday we got to experience a bit of spring like temps. Saturday morning Mother Nature made it clear we're still in was 19 degrees and snowing!
That's a 31 degree temperature swing in 24 hours!

Enjoy the show.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

February 14, 2011


It's been a hectic week but things will get better.

We do live in interesting times, don't we?

I hope y'all enjoy the music.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

February 7, 2011

I like this show. It was a ball putting it together. There are great birthday artists, one in particular and the bulk of the music is her writing. I think you'll be singing along to a lot
of the tunes.

Now, to the important announcement.
Beginning this week the "Monday Show" is going to be re-broadcast on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
This gives you another eight, count 'em, eight chances to catch what you may have missed. Show times will be 4:00am, 3:00, 8:00 & 11:00pm on both days.

It may be kind of early to start talking about this but April 9th will be here before you know it.
The Spring Party by Class of 60 Somethin' will be happening in York, Pennsylvania. Tickets are on sale at: .
It's a great night of "aged in soul" music with nice people. Spring time and a road cool is that?

Next week is Valentine's Day and it'll be a very special show. I'm already at work selecting the music.

Take care of yourselves..................and each other.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

January 31, 2011

Let's start with the bad news, first.

Last Wednesday we said goodbye to another soul singer. Gladys Horton was the lead voice of The Marvelettes for their early hits including "Please Mr. Postman". That song was Motown's first number one pop hit. Quite an accomplishment for a 15 year old. There are two Marvelettes songs on the show, just a way of paying tribute and saying thank you.

The birthday artists are kinda neat. Buddy King, Florence Larue and Bob Marley among others. This means I get to play three songs by The Magnificent Men, featuring Buddy and the Budweiser frog song as well, I love it.

A lot of the show is made up exploring the different sound of soul music from Chicago, Detroit, Memphis and Philly. I hope it makes sense and if not, the music is pretty damn cool.

Spring is coming, honest.

Friday, January 21, 2011

January 24, 2011

Okay, winter can leave now. As I write this, on Friday afternoon, we're headed into the coldest weather of the season so far. I've had enough, already.

Not a lot going on, here. I'm just trying to stay was warm as I can and run the snow blower as few times as I can get away with.

This weeks' show is neat, lots of birthday artists and memories. Hopefully, it'll get you singing along and dancing.

Congratulations to our number one Australian fan. Lesley passed her PhD! We're proud of what you've accomplished Dr. Birch.

The initial idea of re-broadcasting the Monday shows is taking shape. It looks like the programs would re-air on Wednesdays and Saturdays in the normal time slots. Comments are welcome.

Have a good week and stay warm.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 17, 2001

It's the middle of the month. This means that we have a special artist/song for Barb, Crys and Ginger. There are several other requested artists and some music you will not hear in regular rotation on FNST. Hey, that's what Mondays are all about.

This week's birthday artists include Sam Cooke (oh yea!), David Ruffin and William Powell. Now, if the name William Powell doesn't ring a bell, how 'bout The O'Jays? William sang lead on my favorite O'Jays tune and it's a song I never tire of.

There's surprise on the show but y'all have to listen. I'm not telling.

We have two songs by Steve Mancha. Class Act and Class of 60 Somethin' are also on the playlist along with The Ambassadors, Intentions and Pocketful O' Soul. It's going to be a fast two hours.

One other thing, it's a bit personal but here goes. As you go about your daily routines, do something for somebody. Be polite in your words and actions. Smile at people (it drives them crazy); hold the door for someone; if you see someone struggling with too many packages offer to's all little things but you just may make someones' day.

Have a great week and be nice to yourselves and each other.

now I have to finish the show

Monday, January 10, 2011

January 10, 2010

It is with true sadness I report the passing of Steve Mancha
on January 8, 2010. According to his family death was due
to liver and lung failure.
Steve was one of the most soulful singers ever
and it was always enjoyable hearing him on his own,
with 100 Proof Aged In Soul, The Holidays or any
of the other projects he recorded.
FNST Radio's sympathies and prayers go out to his family.
May his music keep on playing, reminding us of "the other Detroit".

Sunday, January 9, 2011

January 10, 2011

Happy Monday to y'all. I hope you're through the post holiday "blues". Now, comes the reckoning. Just how badly did you go over budget for all those gifts? Scary, isn't it?

FNST has a good show for you to help escape for a couple of hours. There's some Chicago Soul, a little bit of the "other" Detroit and even some jazz/funk. I think you'll be glad you tuned in.

I was looking at the station logs from the first of the month on and it's neat. Lots of hits and people sticking around for more than a few seconds. York, Pennsylvania (several); Canton, Pennsylvania; Greenville, South Carolina; Louisville, Kentucky; Chicago, Illinois; Melbourne, Australia; Detroit, Michigan; lots of AOL and Verizon hits with no locations; Russia (I suspect an attempted hacker); Great Britain and several others. It's nice to see your face in the place!

There have been a couple of requests for re-broadcast of the Monday show. Later in the week, is what they mean. My question to you is: If we did re-air a show what days/times would be easier for you to join us? I haven't asked the techie gnome about this, I'm waiting to see if there's enough interest to warrant adding repeats. So, speak up folks.

Have a good week and I'll see you next Monday.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 3, 2011

As the country song would say, "Here we go, again".

The beginning of a new year and a new decade; Amazing. We have a new show with a surprise inside. (I feel like I'm in a Crackerjacks commercial) It's nice.

Our birthday artists include Arthur Prysock, Van McCoy and Bill Richter of The Magnificent Men.

More sad news, this past week. Soul music lost Teena Marie as well as Bernie Wilson of Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes. It wasn't a great year.

On a brighter note, this place I call home has enjoyed 3 days of 40+ degree weather and we actually have bare ground showing for the first time in a month. It won't last and I'll be running the blower, again, by the weekend but there are only 88 days until April 1st.

Stay warm and thank you for spending time with FNST Radio

OOPS! Almost forgot. There are a couple of other birthdays, this week.

Paul Cockburn's birthday is January 4th and Rusty Campbell's special day is January 6th. Both gentlemen are occassional listeners and my long time friends.

Mish's birthday is the 7th, same as Bill Richter. She's a dedicated listener and part of the Monday morning early riser group.