Friday, July 29, 2011

August 1, 2011

Wait! We're here, already?

Welcome to August. Kind of surreal that it's here so soon. I don't object to summertime, I object to what's coming in just three short months. It's back to layers of clothes, gray skies and that "s" word all too soon. (depressing aren't I?)

Anyway, the show. There are a couple of new to the playlist songs from William Bell and Lenny Williams, a cut from Amy Winehouse (such a tragedy) and some great listener requests.
Bill asked for one TOP song that we don't play very often. Rose (edited because I had Ri on the brain), in Michigan, mentioned she'd like to hear more Temptations so I dug out the Tempt's medley I put together about 5 years ago. There's 'retha for Chi-Chi and Doc, Jackie Wilson and Billy Scott for Miss Ginger and Jerry Butler for me. Hopefully, you'll find something you really like in the program, too.

Oh, there is one other cut I don't play very often. It means a great deal to me and I hope everybody enjoys it. You have to listen to find out which song it is.

Until next time, take care of yourselves and each other.

P.S. It was a fast run to the 'burg this past weekend. One of the best parts was seeing Bill Richter of The Magnificent Men, Saturday night. He looked great and it was nice spending a couple of minutes chatting. So, I caught up with Dave, Tom, Jim. Bob and Bill.......5 out of 7 ain't too bad!
AND a special thank you to Grace for joining Lucy and me for the show at the vineyard, it was great to have an old friend with us. For those who missed this show, picture an open field, with the stage set up on the downside of the hill. While the sun set behind Class Act, we watch about 10 deer come out on the opposite side of the "valley". They stood there like they were listening to the band for the longest time before they began feeding. Talk about a "Kodak" moment!

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